- Rečeno mi je da ćutm. Rekli su mi da je "ćutanje zlato"... Ali nisu rekli da je i "ćutanje znak odobravanja."
Kako bih mogao da se "operem" od ovakvih floskula, ja, kao izvršni predsednik: Boris M, moraću retko ali sada ubojito da popričam sam Vama o nekim temama koje se vešto, i u nekoliko talasa preko naših NVO (nevladinim organizacijama).
- Naravno da je sve ovo non-sense, jer ne bi i mi, kao udruženje građana koje funkciniše potpuno od Vaših donacija i od vaših pristupnica- koje mogu da Vam omoguće veoma lepa putovanja u Srbiji i Van nje.
U poslednje vreme, primetih to na Borisovom licu, da se razmišlja o nekoj ekskurziji tipa "dok ima sedišta", što bi značilo da bi se išlo autobusom, i svako kao punoletno lice odgovara za svoje postupke. U početku, išlo bi se na upuznjavanje AREAL društva u Sloveniji. Na datom linku,dati neki izveštaja o AREAL društvu, koje se od nedavno zove ArealTribe.
.- Naš Veliki prijatelj, Janko Belin, koga posle jednostavnog "Guglovanja" mozete videti sve o njemju. S' druge strane o našem lideru, takoreći, Boris-u Milanoviću, koji vodi sve ove naše priče i prikuplja podatke o tome kako i kome se obratiti u slučaju da je u problemu, i navesti ga na to da sam sebi pomogne.
As I would like to "wash myself" from these floskules, non-senses, me, as a CEO of NGO SUZA- and our persons name that today we will start digging a bit of our first man: CEO- Boris Milanovic. I have a need to talk publicaly right now about all lies about our and similar NGO's as we have been called with crue names indeed...
"Mr. Soros, and his foundations are marked No. 1 at anti-government activities and some lies go so far that Mr. Soros himself is in some business with "narko-traffiking", using his foundations for printing flayers how safely to "cook" and inject themself properly, and all via foundations and NGO's like SUZA in Serbia, ArealTribe in Slovenia, and many similar print flyers where it would printed, detailed, how to "cook" and inject intravenously heroin. Of course, this is absolutely not true, Boris on head of SUZA and Janko on head of ArealTribe, have for aim increase of effect to ordinary addicts all over the Serbia or Slovenia and have as much as possible audience meet what's wrong and what they never should even try. As we in SUZA say: "NOT EVEN ONCE".
- Of course, result is that accusations on Mr. Soros is that all accusasions regarding Soros being on head of some organized "crime organization"- at least how Boris Milanovic and Janko Belin are gettinf money from Mr. Soros for spreading the word of how drugs "are okay".
- Once again, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING EVEN CLOSE THAT SUZA; BORIS NOR ANY MEMBER OF SUZA( AND I BELIVE AREALTRIBE)... SUZA Civil Association, ArealTribe, ReGeneration, JAZAS, have a noble goal which is reducing health issues using drugs, as usage of drugs is a matter of someones decision(s) which can/ and is dangerous for human health. As contra-phrase is: harm-reduction, whereby our NGO's are organizations that are promoting HARM REDUCTION methods, and ORT (opiate replacement therapy) with methadone, levo-methadone, codein, HAT treatment and treatment with methadone+ hydromorphone and hydromorphone ampules themselfs. Some studies from New Zeland, and Australia as well as Belgium says that in 88% of patiens in survey said that they haven't experienced any difference.
(source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2040191/
https://drugs-forum.com/threads/hydromorphone-maintenance-treatment.58631/ )
- In first actions, SUZA would do some activities with AREALTrible in Slovenia. At given link, some reports about AREAL society, which recently done some changes on internal board as well as on name: "ArealTribe".
- Our biggest friend, Janko Belin, all you readers can read about him with a bit of "Googling" can see everything about him. On the other hand, our leader Boris Milanovic, or called normally, Mr. Milanović , that leads conversations, stores reports and problems- which all together once again, in his incredible force- he belives that HE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Kako bih mogao da se "operem" od ovakvih floskula, ja, kao izvršni predsednik: Boris M, moraću retko ali sada ubojito da popričam sam Vama o nekim temama koje se vešto, i u nekoliko talasa preko naših NVO (nevladinim organizacijama).
"Soroš finansira narkomane...", "Soroš finansira narko-trafiking" pa onda sve to: "Soroševa grupa, u dosluhu sa Šarićem snabdevala i davala novac NVO u Srbiji- šta više dobijali pare za dobijanje pravljenje flajera kako pravilno injektovati drogu."
- Naravno da je sve ovo non-sense, jer ne bi i mi, kao udruženje građana koje funkciniše potpuno od Vaših donacija i od vaših pristupnica- koje mogu da Vam omoguće veoma lepa putovanja u Srbiji i Van nje.
U poslednje vreme, primetih to na Borisovom licu, da se razmišlja o nekoj ekskurziji tipa "dok ima sedišta", što bi značilo da bi se išlo autobusom, i svako kao punoletno lice odgovara za svoje postupke. U početku, išlo bi se na upuznjavanje AREAL društva u Sloveniji. Na datom linku,dati neki izveštaja o AREAL društvu, koje se od nedavno zove ArealTribe.
.- Naš Veliki prijatelj, Janko Belin, koga posle jednostavnog "Guglovanja" mozete videti sve o njemju. S' druge strane o našem lideru, takoreći, Boris-u Milanoviću, koji vodi sve ove naše priče i prikuplja podatke o tome kako i kome se obratiti u slučaju da je u problemu, i navesti ga na to da sam sebi pomogne.
- I have been told to shut up. They've told me that being quite is golden. But also, I know that keeping quiet is a "sign of confession."As I would like to "wash myself" from these floskules, non-senses, me, as a CEO of NGO SUZA- and our persons name that today we will start digging a bit of our first man: CEO- Boris Milanovic. I have a need to talk publicaly right now about all lies about our and similar NGO's as we have been called with crue names indeed...
"Mr. Soros, and his foundations are marked No. 1 at anti-government activities and some lies go so far that Mr. Soros himself is in some business with "narko-traffiking", using his foundations for printing flayers how safely to "cook" and inject themself properly, and all via foundations and NGO's like SUZA in Serbia, ArealTribe in Slovenia, and many similar print flyers where it would printed, detailed, how to "cook" and inject intravenously heroin. Of course, this is absolutely not true, Boris on head of SUZA and Janko on head of ArealTribe, have for aim increase of effect to ordinary addicts all over the Serbia or Slovenia and have as much as possible audience meet what's wrong and what they never should even try. As we in SUZA say: "NOT EVEN ONCE".
- Of course, result is that accusations on Mr. Soros is that all accusasions regarding Soros being on head of some organized "crime organization"- at least how Boris Milanovic and Janko Belin are gettinf money from Mr. Soros for spreading the word of how drugs "are okay".
- Once again, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING EVEN CLOSE THAT SUZA; BORIS NOR ANY MEMBER OF SUZA( AND I BELIVE AREALTRIBE)... SUZA Civil Association, ArealTribe, ReGeneration, JAZAS, have a noble goal which is reducing health issues using drugs, as usage of drugs is a matter of someones decision(s) which can/ and is dangerous for human health. As contra-phrase is: harm-reduction, whereby our NGO's are organizations that are promoting HARM REDUCTION methods, and ORT (opiate replacement therapy) with methadone, levo-methadone, codein, HAT treatment and treatment with methadone+ hydromorphone and hydromorphone ampules themselfs. Some studies from New Zeland, and Australia as well as Belgium says that in 88% of patiens in survey said that they haven't experienced any difference.
(source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2040191/
https://drugs-forum.com/threads/hydromorphone-maintenance-treatment.58631/ )
- Latley, I've noticed on Boris's face that he is deeply minded in something. I've asked:" What is it? What are you thinking now?" He answered: "Do you remeber when we were little and played scouts? Now I would like to organize trips to: Budapest, Zagreb ,Ljubljana, Prague, Minhen, Amsterdam, gather and share our experiences, and make results sheets and present them to our Eastern Govenments, and see if we can really and by what means Govenments should improve their influence and do something about true issues in native countries. For instance, one country, like Serbia, cannot afford to istself to have only two types of of maintenance systems.
- In first actions, SUZA would do some activities with AREALTrible in Slovenia. At given link, some reports about AREAL society, which recently done some changes on internal board as well as on name: "ArealTribe".
- Our biggest friend, Janko Belin, all you readers can read about him with a bit of "Googling" can see everything about him. On the other hand, our leader Boris Milanovic, or called normally, Mr. Milanović , that leads conversations, stores reports and problems- which all together once again, in his incredible force- he belives that HE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
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